Palais U Entrée_CSRES Colloque int'al 3-5 juin 2008 stèle Samson haCohen_Obernai1702 & cloître St Pierre-le-Jeune Stg & Gde Mosquée de Stg

Junior Scholars’ Pre-Conference
Call for papers


In order to provide Junior Scholars with an opportunity to present aspects of their research to the scientific community, the Steering Committee of the Strasbourg Conference and the Centre de Sociologie des Religions et d’Éthique Sociale (CSRES) organize a Junior Scholars' pre-conference to be held on June 3, 2008 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm (prior to the main conference).

PhD students and postdocs are invited to submit proposals for papers that explore aspects of either of the three subtopics of the conference:
1) Philosophical and Anthropological Approaches to the Religions of the Book.
2) The Regulation of Religious Pluralism within each of the religious traditions of the Book.
3) The Regulation of External Religious Pluralism.

Papers may be presented from a variety of disciplinary approaches: historical, sociological, exegetical, from systematic theology,...
Papers may be given in English, German or French. They should have a reading length of 15-20 minutes, or max. 2 200 words, in order to allow time for discussion and will be grouped in two parallel sessions.

Proposals in the form of an abstract or an outline of approximately 250-300 words should be submitted by email in pdf or doc format to the Conference secretary by May 13, 2008.
Your proposal should contain the following information:

  • Central theme or hypothesis: what is the question you are addressing?
  • Approach and methodology: how do you address this question?
  • Key sources
  • 3-5 major bibliographical references.

All submitters will receive an answer by May 19. The three most outstanding papers will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference.

Questions about the pre-conference should be made directly to: the Conference secretary, Frédéric Rognon (
For practical matter, please contact the secretary of the CSRES, Patricia Carbiener, by email ( or by telephone on Mondays and Fridays (+33)3 88 25 97 49.

Centre de Sociologie des Religions et d'Ethique Sociale (CSRES) | Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg

Palais U by night

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